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Hephaestus vs. Steeak

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:40 pm
by Siphai
5 armor just isn't going to stand up to 13 weapon power. He's also actually slower than me somehow, letting me play thte ideal spinner game of hitting him, retreating until my disc is back up to speed, and hitting him again. He can't get to my sides, he can't box rush, and he can't doggedly pursue me until my spinner is slowed down enough for him to take control. He's got big fat sides for my blade to grab onto, and those wheel guards could get dented into the wheels until he's immobilized. Just try to hit him enough times until he can't move.

Good luck.

Hephaestus vs. Steeak

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:11 pm
by helloface199
Avoid the bar at all costs and try to get around to the side and push him into the nearest hazard.