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MORE PUZZLES vs Trilobite 2

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 12:34 am
by Wolf51-50
Ok ok I get it. They're faster than me. But they still have to dodge my weapon all match too lol.

Get the disc up to speed and start walking towards trilobite. See if she's going for a flank. If so, turn the disc and pivot accordingly so that my disc will be in her general direction. Even if the disc misses, she's just gonna bump into me, which in turn will put me on my disc and send me flying so I can adjust once more. See if she gets a little too cocky by just going for my front. Turn the disc at an angle to hit the wedge and knock off those pointy spikes. See if I can hit anything vital to turn the bot around so I can hit some of the juicier bits. She might have the speed advantage, but I can probably render the bot useless in a few hits unless she's very careful with her driving. And even then, being too careful can give me an opening. Turn the disc to one side of she manages to get me stuck on my back so I'll plop back down.

Good luck