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CBC3 SHW Week 14: Equisde vs Phantasmic Slammer

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 11:05 pm
EquisdePhantasmic Slammer
Speed: 11Speed: 8
Traction: 12Traction: 7
Torque: 4Torque: 2
Weapon: 1Weapon: 2
Armour: 2Armour: 11(+2 to front)

Re: CBC3 SHW Week 14: Equisde vs Phantasmic Slammer

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:35 pm
Mandatory sorry for mobile im tired.

I am noticeably faster, we both have equal control, I got twice the torque and I have omnis to top it off.
No hazards, his weapon can't damage me and he can't ram me to death. He can OOTA me but it's unlikely.
This is likely going to the judges, so i want to be aggressive, push him around, hopefully flip him, pin down and anything that wastes time while giving me points.
Use my lifter to press it at the last moment to get under his weapon or strafe a bit to the side to get it under the side chasis thing.
Anyways once under i can try to lift him up to flip him, if it works then i want to get my already up lifter and put it on top of him, stopping him from self-righting.
Otherwise i will just pin him, don't slam at full force against the wall cuz 2 armor. Also don't charge at him at full speed for the same reason.
Unlike him, If i ride up his wedge i should not have any problem backing off it if he doens't fire the flipper. If he does it is kinda weak so it might take a few tries to flip me. If i notice that i am getting flipped a lot keep my lifter up to self right faster and use my hinged wedgelets as the main wedges.
If i notice him trying to turn the fight towards the OOTA corners don't fall for it and move somewhere else, idealy by pushing him front there. Also try to figure if he has any elaborated plan to counter them.

Overall don't do mistakes, be very aggressive, show a lot of aggression and control, SURVIVE, GL HF