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ICECrown Week 3: Maurdread vs IMMA SCATMAN

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 6:32 pm
by Mystic2000
so i'm facing basically Toe Crusher with a chainsaw stuck to it, as much as i doubt that chainsaw's gonna help as a control tool, he's still a dustpan that's faster than me, so there's some danger from that, it's basically down to if i can catch the lip of that dustpan and flip him over like if this was Heavy Metal vs Concussion or some shit, if he does some major driving fuckup i can maybe hit the wheels, but that's probably not happening, so basically go head-to-head, hope i can get the lip of his dustpan, drive off his dustpan as necessary and make sure i don't get taken to hazards, and that's about the limit of my abilities to win this thing